

Bringing diversity and inclusion to the next generation


16 %

of young people in Germany voted for the far right populist party in the 2024 EU elections

40 %

of children under 5 years old have a migration background

9,4 %

of all children live with a
chronically ill or disabled parent

44 %

of all children live in a NON-traditional family model

Diverse toys and books offer children the chance to see themselves,
which develops a sense of belonging and healthy self-worth.

Evidence also shows that diverse learning materials shape a child’s
learning process and can prevent the development of prejudice and bias.

Not all classrooms look the same

Why the 1000-Kitas-Campaign?

The 1000-Kitas-Campaign is an innovative solution to a well documented problem. The German Education System has not evolved with the increasingly diverse children it serves. With limited, outdated resources, many kitas across Germany struggle to provide inclusive teaching materials. This can often result in bias, prejudice and exclusion for many children and their families.

Children can internalize and reproduce racism at a very young age. These incidents are mostly undocumented in Kitas, but remain a reality for many children and families.

The 1000-Kitas-Campaign creates partnerships that contribute to diversity and inclusion by sparking learning processes within groups of children and educators across Germany. This provides children with crucial experiences for their social development in a diverse society.


MoreDiversity And Duvia

We are delighted to gain two new strong partners for our campaign with the non-profit organization MoreDiversity and the democracy education association duvia joining forces. Our collaboration combines Tebalou's expertise in the field of diversity-sensitive children's literature and toys with MoreDiversity's extensive experience advocating for diversity in the corporate sector. In addition, duvia contributes its expertise in the development of discrimination-sensitive educational advisory services for kindergartens.  

Together, we are preparing a handpicked selection of books, toys and learning materials as part of a 'Special Edition Diversity Box' that will be sent to 200 Kindergartens across Germany. With duvia, MoreDiversity is developing an accompanying iterative workshop concept including free downloadable materials (starting in 2025) that better supports Educators in selecting suitable reading and play materials as a more sustainable solution.

Through this collaboration, we are amplifying our impact and taking a significant step forward in our mission to improve diversity-sensitive early childhood education across Germany.   

Campaign Ambassadors

  • Britta Kiwit - Avalino Diversity

    “It was only as a mother that I really noticed how one-sided and ‘undiverse’ most German children's books are. It's always the same white heteronormative families consisting of mum, dad, two children and maybe a dog that you see. And even though I see myself in them, that's not the only constellation I want to show my children. Diversity starts in the nursery and especially in the daycare center. Every child and every family deserves to find themselves in children's books.”

  • Sonja Ahrens, Fachberaterin für 15 ev. Kitas im Kita-Verband Leine-Solling

    “If we are committed to a pluralistic and open society, then democratic education must be practiced in nurseries and kindergartens. The expertise of our Educational staff are of great importance for this, but our attitude is also reflected in the design of the room and the choice of materials. This is why it is so important to use diversity-sensitive materials and thus counteract stereotypical ideas. Tebalou's educational package provides us with practical support for our important educational work!”

Apply for your Kita

  • At least 8 books with diverse themes and characters that strengthens the sense of self in some children and help all children to build values of tolerance and acceptance from a young age.

  • A selection of games where more children can recognize themselves. This helps children to feel represented in society and to gain a holistic understanding of the world.

  • 2 dolls/puppets where children can interact, and imitate with diverse characters, whilst learning from an early age that diversity and kindness is universal.

  • A variety of materials for table activities with children. When playing, children feel that their experiences matter and can celebrate unique cultures and perspectives of the world.

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